By Clive Wilson on April 19, 2017
My Gran bought me into this world April 1943. And I’ve just found this site,yes I’m an old Rodbourneite,although Move out 58,but as said you can leave Rodbourne but it in your blood, me 9 Charles street Gran Mrs Edmonds,mum Ivy Wilson dad killed in war at Arnhem Holland & is in war cemetery in Oosterbeek,but that never stopped me growing up & enjoying life in Rodbourne Even Swindon then Jennings St. Schools where mum,aunts uncles went, St Augustine church Cubs & scout (7th Swindon own) even the army cadets,not to forget the Palladium, Mannington rec, the shops choice of chip shops It was a village in town, old sayings where going on holiday, Purton pebbley beach, there were treacle mines, or snuff quarries there, that’s what we were told as kids?as I’ve seen here names I know & grew op with Ron Jennings, Christin Jones, went to school & knocked about with them, like one big family,the Rodbourne Rockets cycle speed way, always football down the rec, swimming in the river Ray??no laptop,mobile phones how did we survive, school holidays Wednesday afternoon going round the works, or walking across the fields to Lydiard Manor, before it was done up,can’t do it now Housing estates or get a bus!!! Or go fishing at Saddler lake,that brings me up to date my last place I worked it was drained & used as landfill all soil from Thamesdown Drive was tipped there for topping out I retired from working for the council 20yrs 2005 early 62, now in full time retirement, All the best, as I’ve been call Rodbourne Sewer Rat, joys of living near the sewer farm.
By Alan Hazell on January 12, 2017
Hello David, I have just received my Jan. copy of The Brick Wall and noticed your “Seen on Facebook” entry referring to Lorraine Hills visit to Rodbourne. I cannot give you a number for the house in Morris Street but I can tell you that it was directly opposite our old family house, 26, Summers Street as you will see mentioned in the above memories from Lorraine Brown nee Hills
By Lorraine Brown nee Hills on April 17, 2015
I have just found out about this site from Facebook. I was born and bred in Morris Street and my parents lived there all their lives. It was just when I was looking thought the photos of Summer Street that I recognised Sheila Hazell. She lived opposite us ‘across the backsies’ and I had the hots for her brother, though I was probably only about 6. I remember going to stand outside the church to see her get married and she was always so pretty I wanted to be like her. Then I got the shock of my life in a photo taken in their family back garden, there was my old home! I have not lived in Swindon for many years but what lovely memories this brings. I may be able find some old photos as my mothers family the Dixons lived all over Rodbourne and my dad Bernard Hills used the working men’s clubs. Thank you so much for the memories.
By James Prior on November 3, 2013
Quite intresting web site, i attended even swindon junior, westbourne seceondary, schools. and lived in groves street, i do have a newspaper clipping taken by the evening advertiser of the rodbourne mannington football club the team trying on there new kit in morris street. rodbourne not changed much.
By Dave Watts on October 23, 2013
I was born & brought up in Rodbourne at 17 Jennings St, I found this site looking for family information for the family tree that I have started.
Gillian Spencer (10 Nov.2012)talks about Edith White who was my mothers (Gwen Gough)aunt who came from Bugg family.
I too remember the concerts,i always got roped into them, in one I had to dress up as a Scotsman & wear a kilt !
I will leave more comments when I have time.
By Chris Higgins on October 6, 2013
I have found this site quite fascinating and hope you might be able to help me trace my family on my fathers side, about which I know nothing. My father lived at 68, Summers Street, Swindon and all we have are letters from his mother at this address mainly during the forties. Dad was Elver Henry Higgins and had a sister Hilda. That is all I know. He never mentioned his parents or other relatives. He worked at the Garrard factory and then the railway. during his employ with the railway he moved to Worcester where he met my mother. He was an ATC electrician with the railway. If any of your members have any information about my family they can share with me I would be most grateful.
Thanking you all in anticipation,
Chris Higgins
By Marilyn Beale on May 17, 2013
I’ve just found this site whilst looking for Rentaset and Relay Exchanges things.
I was born in the front room of No 8 Hughes Street, went to Evan Swindon Juniors and Jennings Secondary Modern, left school in December 1959 and started work on the 2nd January 1960 at Relay Exchanges Head Office in Percy Street. I went to the Chapel upon which that was built and then Rodbourne Road Chapel.
My brother still lives there and has just celebrated his 80th year, by writing his memoirs – ‘Forging Ahead’
By Dave Tayler on April 6, 2013
I’ve been looking into some family history and according to the 1901 Census some of them lived in Slancer Street in Swindon. Most of the family lived in Rodbourne or Rodbourne Cheyney areas going back to the 1860s. I’ve lived in the area all my life and I know most of the old streets in Swindon but I’ve never heard of Slancer Street and I can’t find it on any map. Perhaps its disappeared or been renamed. It may even be a misspelling.
Does anybody know where Slancer Street was, I’d be interested to find out.
By Carol Cheese on January 9, 2013
My late father in law Ray Cheese lived in Montague Street, with his parents and siblings until he married in 1945. I recently came across a letter of his which he had received from Jennings Street School December 1942. It speaks of the School being aware that he has Joined “Her Majesty’s Forces” and wishes him “Best of Luck”. It asks that he accepts “The enclosed Gift” but doesn’t say what that gift was. It is a lovely letter and brought a tear to my eye on reading it. Has anyone any idea what the gift was? The writer of the letter describes it thus; “We trust it will be of real use to you and hopt it may be a small link in the chain of remembrance between us”. Here’s hoping someone knows.
By Con on November 28, 2012
My mum was brought up at 34 thomas street in the late 1940s and her mum Flo Roberts used to work at a butchers on Rodbourne Road.
Mums aunt Dinah Nevison lived at 148 Rodbourne Road.
I have fond memories of nans and the old railway hooter!
Visits to nans meant 50p to spend in Mr Hoares on 1p, 2p and halfpenny sweets, he always had a great selection.
I now live in Redcliffe Street and as i have redecorated my house over the years i have found plenty of railway green paint inside and out.
If anyone has any memories of Florence or Dinah i would love to hear them.