Rodbourne Community History Group

Recording the rich history of this special community

About Us

We are committed to recording the rich history of this special community of Rodbourne and making it available to everyone. We are not just about the bricks and mortar, but the people who lived in and made Rodbourne the flourishing community it is today.

History, Photos and Memories

We’ve collected hundreds of photographs, plans and memories. Although we hope to make them all available here we also have an archive that we display at exhibitions and other events. Why not use Lockdown to share your photos and memories of Rodbourne?

Get involved

Want to comment, ask a question or find an old friend?  Please do!  Use our Contact Us page. Better still why not add one of your memories of Rodbourne?  Funny, tragic or just a bit of information it doesn’t matter – just go to the Memories page and share your contribution.

We have resumed our meetings. Please see Events for details

The wider community

The Rodbourne Community History Group and St Augustine’s Church worked  together between 2014 and 2018 to honour and commemorate Rodbourne residents who died in the First World War.

Read more about the Rodbourne Remembers project here.

The 6th June 2019 saw the launch of the Swindon Heritage Action Zone, an ambitious five year plan to revitalise the town’s unique heritage and unlock its economic potential.


The Rodbourne Community History Group is funded through an annual membership fee, which helps cover running costs, plus occasional grants, donations and money raised through our Events.

Rodbourne Community History Group is proud to support

